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Eczema: 5 effective home remedies worth trying!

Eczema, often called atopic dermatitis, is a persistent skin ailment marked by inflammation and itching. It typically manifests as red, dry, and scaly spots on the skin, followed by severe itching. The severity of this ailment varies, ranging from minor, infrequent flare-ups to permanent symptoms that profoundly disrupt everyday living. What causes eczema on skin?...

What Are Steroids and How Does It Affect Weight

Steroids, in the medical context, refer to corticosteroids, a class of synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of cortisol, a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. These medications are indispensable in treating a wide range of medical conditions due to their potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Understanding Medical Uses of Steroids Steroids are prescribed...

The Truth about Supplements: 5 Things You Should Know

Supplements are supportive nourishment that are intended to enrich our lives by supplying critical nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal extracts, that may be deficient in our body due to a poor diet or irregular eating habits. They come in a variety of forms, including pills, capsules, powders, and liquids. Supplements are introduced...

How to Use Glycolic Acid Safely: Tips for Beginners

Glycolic acid has captured the attention of skincare enthusiasts and professionals alike, and it’s no surprise. This powerful ingredient, derived from sugar cane, belongs to the alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) family and offers a wealth of benefits for various skin concerns. If you’re eager to incorporate Glycolic acid into your skincare routine, this guide will...

Zika virus outbreak: Preventive tips to stay safe

The Zika virus outbreak in Pune has emerged as a significant public health concern, drawing attention from healthcare professionals, government authorities, and residents alike. Originating from the Zika forest in Uganda, this mosquito-borne virus in the monsoon has made its way to various parts of the world, including India. The current outbreak in Pune underscores...

Try These Tips to Keep Microplastics out of Your Body and Maintain Your Health

In recent years, the term “microplastics” has become increasingly common in discussions about environmental and health issues. Microplastics are nothing but tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size, often invisible to the naked eye. They have permeated our environment and, alarmingly, our bodies too. A recent report suggests microplastics were found in human...

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