Easy Ways to Reduce Melanin in Your Skin

April 19, 2023by Yuvraj Patil19

Have you been religiously tapping your concealer to hide dark scars and spots lately? Well, concealers can cover those awkwardly appearing dark spots on the go, but they won’t caress your skin for too long. Gracefully taking over your skin’s lows can make a lot of difference in how your skin appears. Yes, we are talking about the big-time concern – pigments on the skin. In case you don’t know about these pigments, they are darker or discoloured patches that start taking over your skin slowly due to many reasons including aging. No one can have control over the entire process of aging, but these dark spots can be reduced.

High melanin production is the primary cause of these darker skin patches or spots that you see taking over all your charm. They secularly offer a natural colour to your skin, eyes and hair, and eye colour. Although the count of melanin in our skin may differ on various factors such as genetics, age, pollution, exposure to UV rays, and many more. It is produced in the lowest epidermis layer of the skin cells called Melanocytes. The higher range of melanin in the skin, the darker skin would appear to be.

Importance of Melanin

Apart from providing a complexion to your skin, it also offers add-on benefits that overall promote healthy skin.

  1. Offers protection from UV rays

Melanin can absorb ultraviolet rays that act as a shield preventing the strong heat of the sun. Melanin is responsible to offer long-term protection against UVA and UVB rays falling from the sun. When our skin care products comes in contact with these harmful rays, they produce melanocytes rapidly in the skin cells, causing the darkening of the skin.

  1. Fights free radicals

Too many environmental impacts lead to oxidative stress and skin cell damage within the body. Having normal melanin production in the body delivers the skin with much-needed minerals and antioxidants. However, this may further target those harmful free radicals formed due to persistent exposure to UV rays, aging, pollution, and poor lifestyle.

  1. Preserves moisture in the skin

Anyone with a healthy amount of melanin in the skin can witness a natural moisture-locking effect. It can play a crucial role in retaining moisture in the skin by mitigating the negative impact of free radicals. The presence of melanin and its normal production in the body helps in hydrating the skin while keeping it soft and supple.

  1. Prevents skin disorders

Our skin can secrete an excess of melanin in the body during certain conditions such as prolonged sun exposure and pregnancy. This excess of melanin production can shield our skin from various skin disorders including Melasma, Albinism, Vitiligo, etc.

Ways to reduce melanin in the skin

Although melanin production in the body has its own role and benefits, excess melanin can darken the skin making them appear dull, discoloured, and not-so-good. Here are ways to lower the count of melanin in your skin for an even and attractive complexion:

Try natural kitchen ingredients 

There are so many kitchen ingredients to vouch for fabulous, spotless skin. You can create your own DIY at home using tomatoes, potatoes, turmeric powder, honey, lemon, etc. Here are a few promising DIY face masks you can try at home with the use of kitchen ingredients.

  • Best DIY -1 face mask to prepare at home: Take one spoon full of honey and lemon juice and mix them well. Apply this to the tanned area of your skin and let it stay for 15-20 minutes.
  • Best DIY- 2 face masks to prepare at home: – Blend one teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1/2 spoon of rose water and curd. Mix well to make a nice paste in a bowl. Apply this paste over the affected areas of your skin and let it dry. Wash it off with normal water.

Seek over-the-counter help

There are many OTC treatments, and creams available that contains melanin-reducing ingredients in it such as glycolic acids, retinoid, kojic acid, vitamin C, etc. These ingredients effectively help in neutralizing the impact of the tyrosinase enzyme in the body that is responsible for melanin production. Try best Agefine cream  ranged skin whitening formulas to see visible skin-lightening resultsSkin Glory cream can improve the complexion of your dull skin while retaining the natural moisture in the skin.

Improve your diet

To accelerate the process, avoid consuming unhealthy and fried foods. Having a nutritious meal with a perfect balance of seasonal fruits and vegetables can naturally help reduce dullness while offering shine to your existing skin. You can add more dairy products, tomatoes, eggs, carrots, watermelon, papaya, dry fruits, and kiwi to your diet. Vitamin C-enriched foods can further accelerate the result.

Use sunscreen always

Regular application of sunscreen on your skin especially the exposed areas can create a protective layer between your skin and harmful UV rays. Although some sunscreens like Sunroof Sunscreen Lotion can superiorly aid in reversing the signs of aging, the impact of tanning, and hydrating the skin.

Go ahead and try these amazing tips to reduce melanin in your skin for a glowing and brightening skin complexion.

Yuvraj Patil

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