Understanding Diabetes and Wound Healing

February 3, 2023by Pooja K375

A condition when our body cannot utilize or synthesize insulin properly is called Diabetes Mellitus. It exactly happens when the body rejects to absorb all the glucose into its cells as fuel, which leads to an upsurge in glucose levels in the bloodstream. Suffering from minor cuts, inflammation, burns, and ulcers are common in our daily life. The process of healing is complex, and this incredibly depends on the intact functioning of nerves and blood flow over the affected area. Of course, how can we forget the role of immunity in this wound-healing game? Our body fights off infection like a pro!

Diabetes & Wound Healing

According to the available reports and research, there’s a clear correlation between raised blood glucose levels and poor ability to heal wounds. High blood glucose levels often mutilate the nerves, leading to numbing sensations over the affected area. This is also called diabetic neuropathy. This indicates that someone with diabetic symptoms sustaining any kind of injury on a day-to-day may go through minor trauma over the affected area that gradually worsens with time when not taken prompt care.

Also, nerve damage causes flaky, dry, and cracked skin, conveniently permitting other outside infections to enter the body. If the diabetic condition is not under control, it may also affect the circulation of blood, leading to blood clots. Such sluggish flow acts as a hurdle in warding off infections while disrupting the process of wound healing.

The constant rise in blood sugar levels impairs the functioning of white blood cells that are ideally responsible for preventing the body from various infections. Therefore, the body’s immunity goes for a toss as it is not efficient enough to fight bacteria and heal wounds completely.

The mounting infection has the ability to spread later to other elements, such as bones and muscles, causing osteomyelitis. This process further tends to spread throughout the other parts. Such infections spreading to the bloodstream can lead to sepsis, which is further a life-threatening condition.

Diabetes shows other effects as well on the process of wound healing, such as a reduction in the hormonal production responsible for healing while slowing down the restoration of blood vessels, and collagen production in the body.

Tips to follow when suffering from diabetes:

  • Ensure to go for regular body check-ups.
  • Take care of any kinds of cuts, redness, blisters, or swelling, anywhere on the body, including feet.
  • Take a bath with lukewarm water, and never hot.
  • Keep your skin moisturized, including your feet as they may dry up easily. Those with dry skin might experience itching.
  • In any kind of casualty, such as calluses or corns, do not treat yourself at home. Ensure to get expert treatment for the same.
  • Maintain excellent hygiene, as not doing so may attract several infections.
  • Avoid smoking as it can restrict blood flow.
  • Take steps to keep your diabetes under control.

All the content published above is only for information and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent any condition, allergy or issue. The content published is not verified by experts. Hence, before purchasing / consuming any medication, supplement, or powder, ensure to consult your healthcare expert to gain complete knowledge on the products and supplements. 

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